Winter 2011 Handout - Package the Weave Server

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This page status is: DRAFT.


Package the Weave Server


Justin Morgan


Weave is the server used by Mozilla Sync for synchronizing personal data (bookmarks, passwords, form values, and cookies) across multiple machines and architectures (Windows/Linux, Android, etc).

The project has involved packaging Weave for the purposes of getting it included with the official Fedora repos. In order to do this the package has to successfully pass through the package review process.

Packaging Weave is significant as it allows individuals, groups, and companies to more easily run their own private weave server.

The goals for the project milestones thus far have been:

  • 0.1 - Documentation for the manual installation of Weave server.
  • 0.2 - Initial package release tested with mock and koji. Bugzilla request made to begin Fedora package review process.
  • 0.3 - Package passes the review process and is submitted to koji for inclusion in Fedora repo.





Project Wiki - Package the Weave Server


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