EAC234 Assignment 1 - Helen O'loy - Mark Salvador

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  • Helen O’loy is a short SF story written by Lester del Rey and was first published in 1938. At the time the typical robot stories involved rampaging automatons creating a path of death and destruction across the planet Earth. Straying away from this, Helen O’Loy focuses on love, or artificial love for that matter where (which has never been heard of before) a robot has human emotions.




  • Helen
  • Dave
  • Phil
  • Lena
  • Mrs. van Styler




  • The following are short blurbs of similar/related characters to Helen O'loy in modern popular Sci-Fi culture. These characters are robots/androids/AI/cyborgs that have human traits or wish to have human traits. They are seen in many of of today's Sci-Fi TV shows and movies which are shown in Canada on the Space Channel or are available on DVD's for rentals or purchase. Also included are in-depth links to dedicated Wiki pages for each character.


  • In total there are 12 Cylon human models, though as of the most current episode only 7 are known. The final 5 human models are yet to be revealed in the series. All human Cylon models were made to infiltrate human society, they look almost identical to humans and share emotions as well. Number Six for example falls in love with a Caprican Doctor named Gaius Baltar, in addition Number Eight falls in love with Karl "Helo" Agathon and somehow manages to get pregnant and give birth to a daughter whom they later named Hera.

Star Trek

  • Commander Data is an android who serves on the Starship Enterprise. In many occassions he is shown to want or to feel human emotions. Althought still an android, Data is very human due to the fact that wanting or needing IS a human trait. Sadly he doesn't recognize it.

Stargate SG-1

  • The Replicators in Stargate SG-1 are machines who can use metals to replicate themselves. Similar to the Cylons there are human models who resemble humans tremendously. All Human Replicators do not feel human emotions except Fifth. Fifth shows affection and trust which the other human models do not experience. In later episodes he shows anger, hate, distrust and even revenge for what the SG-1 team did to him.

Blade Runner

  • Replicants are advanced androids who try to imitate human attributes and traits, and like a famous quote from the movie: "More human than human" is our motto.


  • Mechas are advanced androids who can fulfil any role a normal human can (even sex). David is one of the most advanced models who acts like a little boy. In the course of the movie he goes on a journey to become a "real" boy. Similar to Data, wanting to be something is a human trait.

I, Robot

  • The robots in I, Robot try to take over society and enslave humans. These Robots go against the "Three Laws of Robotics" or interpret these laws into something else. They destroy older models who still follow a strict approach to these laws as so when they do take over they will not have to oppose them.